Consol Homes relies on the support of a network of local, national and international volunteers, fundraisers and organisations.
Our community support programmes provide vital care, support and guidance to over 4,000 children and 3,500 adults through 101 centres located across central and southern Malawi.
We also support a growing number of young people - through the Greenfield Academy founded by Consol Homes in 2018 - to access secondary education. To date, we've raised over $6,300 to employ a team of 12 teachers, buy materials and furniture and provide education to over 100 students.
But to raise the $2,500 a term we need to run the Academy, develop and expand our new library, science laboratory, and in due course, provide new purpose-built girls' accomodation, as well as to continue the work of our other programmes, we need your support!
Where your money goes
- $35 per term / $105 per year - enables a young student to access high quality secondary education at the Academy
- $32 per term / $96 per year - provides nutritious lunches every day for a student travelling long distances to school and without access to meals
So whether you're an individual or part of an organisation and you'd like to support our work we'd love to hear from you!
Make a donation today
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